Sunday, August 2, 2009

missing You

i'm counting the hours until 8am tomorrow. i cant wait to talk to you....

i am surprised at how much i miss you.

little over 9 hours.....

i hope sleep comes easy tonight.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Weekend Task

Master had it all planned out. My night with D. D is a friend that Master sometimes use's to as his physical stand-in because He is not local. Its fun and D and i have been friends for a long time.

Master gave me instructions of how i was to please D. Master wanted me to stroke my clit and masterbate in front of D. everytime im with D, He knows i'm always to keep my Master in the forefront of my mind, and all my pleasure is for him. D always reminds me of my place that i'm doing this for my Master. Its not the same as being with Master but often times its better than doing tasks alone when Master cant be here.

i probably should have waited until tomorrow to write about this evening because i'm just feeling tired and worn out right now. Not really in the writing mood. However, i hadn't written in a few days and i didnt want to get out of the habit.

Master is very happy about our blog. i'm excited for us to have this outlet together. We're still adjusting and getting used to our schedules. my schedule is very random and most times i never know when i'll be around. Managers dont get set schedules even though we attempt to have one, lol. i look forward to monday when Master and i get to talk again and go over more things.

We're working on my diet. i'm need to lose weight (by choice) and Masters going to help. So far that's been really hard for me. Eating healthy is not something i'm used to doing. Salads and low fat/carb meals are not even in my vocabulary. Its not been too bad. I got rid of all my snacks that are bad for me, and replaced them with yogurts, raw veggies or 100 calorie snacks (when a sweet tooth arrives). Holy moly eating healthy is kinda expensive but i know that will balance out once i figure out what i like and dont like. My taste buds just dont know what a "carrot" tastes like lol. So i'm learning to figure out what i like and dont like. Its a process that will get easier over time. Now i just have to figure out exercises.... i'm thinking yoga...but i need a cardio as well.

Well thats all for now! Thanks to those who've commented or followed! i'm very excited about this adventure in the blogosphere.


Thursday, July 30, 2009


my name is lite. my Master is NiteStorm. We havent been together long but nothing could feel more right.

i didnt mean to feel so captivated by Him, but He knew every longing i secretly held deep inside. He threw the doors wide open and has shown me the light in every way. Every day is a new experience, a new journey.

He's married and thats ok. He's with me everyday. Even though He cant physically touch me, he's touched me more than any man every has.

i'm a manager at a resturaunt in the Southern US. It keeps me very busy but Master always finds time to keep His presence with me in every way.

Tonight, i was instructed to keep a clamp on my clit all evening long, with 5 minute breaks every 15 minutes. i'm to keep track of every orgasm i have and take a picture of His pussy when i get off work. I got off work earlier than expected. i wore the clamp on and off for 7 hours. i came 23 times... varying in degrees and strength. my clit is swollen and tender and hurts to touch. Every ache reminds me of Him, keeps my thoughts with Him. There was a moment of near tears towards the end, and i'd been instructed to remove the clamp when it became too much to bear. Tending bar tonight was quite interesting... i probably made a dozen drinks wrong. By the end of the night, all i want is to be on my knees for Him.

This journal is mostly for Master to keep track of me when we're both busy, but i hope i'll make many friends along the way. i hope you will enjoy our journies.
